

Here you will find links to various medical programs, service organizations and pro-health opportunities that we find to be exceptional for patients and health care providers. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to be included on our links page.

Related Organizations:

  • AAPP - American Association of Patients and Providers
  • AAPS - Association of American Physicians and Surgeons  A non-partisan professional association of physicians dedicated to preserving the one-on-one patient-physician relationship.
  • Americans For Free Choice In Health Care Americans for Free Choice in Medicine (AFCM) is a national non-profit, non-partisan educational organization. AFCM promotes the philosophy of individual rights, personal responsibility and free market economics in the health care industry.
  • - Education and Empowerment. The advocate for businesses looking for affordable health care solutions!
  • True Cost of Healthcare   Most people will tell you that healthcare in the U.S. is expensive. We Americans spend more money per person on healthcare than anyone, anywhere else. But people don’t agree on why our healthcare is so expensive. Is it because of all the new technology we use in healthcare? Or is it because too many lawyers are suing doctors? Do we over-utilize our resources? Do we have too many government regulations? or maybe too few?


  • HSA Bank
  • Bankrate Inc.
    Bankrate Inc has created a guide to help individuals navigate the process of finding the right HSA. Their guide breaks down what an HSA is, how they work, and provides seven key factors to consider before choosing one. They also include a chart of the best HSA plans for spenders and investors.





Specialty Organizations:
